Giant image in NASA

The Saturn is the largest moon .The titan looks very small here just like a gas giant in the Cassini spacecraft view. The titan is 3,200 miles and 5,150 kilometers away from the upper right. This image of Saturn will appear like a cross in the upper circle that is right to an image.The tiny spark of image is seen at the upper rings far from the right of the image. The Prometheus can be seen as a black speck on the planet far away from the left of the image.The shadow of the moon can be seen from the south of the rings below the center of the image.

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Interesting fact about rocket launch

The very best time to start the process in the mission is based on the blend of many factors. The main feature is that the flight target goals and also to find the needs of the spacecraft.The vehicle and the space craft will start successfully at all the times. "The interesting thing about our job is each mission is almost completely different from any other mission," said by Eric Haddox.. "We help everybody understand the requirements of the spacecraft and what the capabilities are of the launch vehicle, and try to mesh the two," Haddox . "You've got this object that's going to go flying out into the air and you've got to shoot it," said Haddox. "You have to be able to judge how far away your target is and how fast it's moving, and make sure you reach the same point at the same time."  He also said that "The navigation system on the rocket is going to do what it needs to do to get the spacecraft where it needs to be, but it's not going to be the same trajectory you looked at before," 

NASA finds 20 million wind speed near the black hole

NASA Scientists reported a record breaking wind that have been arise from the black hole  called IGR J17091-3624.Per hour the wind speed is 20 million miles that would be expected in larger black holes. It is the most record breaking event that has been happened. The wind speed drawn off of the star orbiting a black hole and has been clocked with a speed of 20 million miles per hour it is about 3% speed than off the light.The black hole is magically located 28,000 light year away it is a part of the binary system. “This is like the cosmic equivalent of winds from a category five hurricane,” said by Ashley King .“This black hole is performing well above its weight class,” said by Miller the co-author. Chandra has been observing for 2 months but yet they didn't get any evidence relating the wind. The winds were powered by constant variations in a powerful magnetic fields over the black hole.

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NASA astronomers have found bulkyballs in the space

NASA astronomers have found the data by using the NASA spitzer space telescope in that they have  bulky balls in the solid  form .Microscopic carbon spheres have been found only in the form of the gas that forms to be the cosmos. This bulky balls are made up of 60 carbon atoms arranged together like a hallow sphere like a soccer ball."These buckyballs are stacked together to form a solid, like oranges in a crate," said Nye Evans of Keele University in England, lead author of a paper appearing in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. "The particles we detected are minuscule, far smaller than the width of a hair, but each one would contain stacks of millions of buckyballs.""This exciting result suggests that buckyballs are even more widespread in space than the earlier Spitzer results showed," said Mike Werner, project scientist for Spitzer at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. "They may be an important form of carbon, an essential building block for life, throughout the cosmos.""The window Spitzer provides into the infrared universe has revealed beautiful structure on a cosmic scale," said Bill Danchi, Spitzer program scientist at NASA Headquarters in Washington. "In yet another surprise discovery from the mission, we're lucky enough to see elegant structure at one of the smallest scales, teaching us about the internal architecture of existence."

NASA satellite captures the rare footage of the moon eclipsing the sun

The Solar Dynamics observatory, orbits the Earth 35,00 km usually have a direct line of sight to the sun.Yesterday was the rocking day in about 101 minutes the moon got on its way. This type of astronomical event happens only a few times a year. This allows the NASA to tune the finest way to gather  the instruments and gather valuable data on the sun..In the image it has shown in different colors and different wave lengths that indicate that are indicated in the telescope. The wave of different colors are indicated in different temperatures on the layer of the sun. The uneven surface of the ellipse in indicated in the ellipse.The mountains and valleys are invisible when we backdrop  the black emptiness of the space.

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NASA Budget proposal worries scientists

President Obama's proposal reduction of the budget for the NASA on the planetary  science division worries the space agency ad visor Scott  Hubbard.The proposal budget of the NASA Aeronautics and space research  for the fiscal in the year 2013 will be eliminated by $300 million from the agency planetary sciences division,a 20%cut from the $1.5 billion it received from the year 2012.The budget plan was received this week that would be preserved in funding the high profile projects like the James Webb Space Telescope and also manned the space missions.Scott Hubbard  is the member of the advisory council Science committee and also the agency former "Mars czar" has been accessing the cuts of the agency programs.The professor of the aeronautics and astronautics spoke to the Times of India about what the future holds about the exploration.of the Red planet.
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NASA astronaut and Robonaut handshake in space

The Astronaut and the Robonaut hand shake each other in the space.The astronaut and robots have a united healthy handshake.Daniel Burbank is the commander of the International space station shook hands with the Robonaut.It is the first handshake between the robot and the human. NASA's $2.3 million Robotic launched abroad in the space shuttle discovery in the last February.With the use of the computer software the ground controllers enabled the robot to move the right hand the stretch the fingers.By the use of the mechanical hand Mr.Burbank Made a move up and down.For the record, it was a firm handshake,” Mr Burbank said."Very nice… nice job on the programming and all the engineering. Quite an impressive robot.”.After Handshake the robot used the word "Hello world "in the american language. NASA has 4 Robonauts and the other robots are currently in development.

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Americans in Orbit John Glenn

NASA celebrated t he 50th Aniversary of John Glenn's orbital space flight. Glenn's flight made a new era.

On February 20,1962 john Glenn piloted the mercury-Atlas 6"friendship 7" spacecraft in the orbital mission of the united states.He completes the three orbit mission around the earth successfully with a maximum attitude of 162statute miles and also the orbital velocity of 17,500 miles per hour.The Glenn's "friendship 7" mercury spacecraft landed at800 miles south east of Kennedy space center in the Grand Turk Island The mission duration was an launch impact of about 4 hours ,55 minutes and 23 seconds.
Joth Glenn biography:He was born in July 18,1921 in the Cambridge at Ohio.He entered the Naval Aviation Cadet Program in the year1942 March.He was graduated in the marine corps in1943.He did his advanced training in marine Fighter Squadron 155.He also spent a year in the Marshall islands.John Glenn is one of the seven astronomers in NASA in the yaer 1959.He have got many medals regarding his success.
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Rhea before Titan

craters appear well in the Icy Rhea on the hazy orb of the larger moon.Cassini is the moon spacecraft that view on the two Saturn moon. Lit terrain is on the leading hemisphere of Rhea and Titan..North on the moon is up rotated 13 degrees to the left.The limb of the Rhea is lightly exposed in this view. It was taken in green visible lights with the cassini spacecraft narrow angle camera on Dec 10, 2011.The distance was about 1.2million miles from the Titan and also at the Titan cpace craftof the angle of 109 degrees.The view occured at the diatnce of 810,000 miles and from the Rhea at the sun spacecraft with an angle of 109 degrees.The correct image scale is 8 miles per pixel on Titan and 5 miles on Rhea.
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Nasa seeks more money for Space Technology program

NASA has been asked money fro its space research program for the fiscal Budget 2013.To meet the commercial goals of the agency for its future exploration.NASA also put a commercial spaceflight of program of the ground and complete the Hubble telescope$17.7 billion proposed for the budget in the year 2013.The budget requested by the NASA space technology is $699,million, $124 million, and also it is roughly increased by the last year.The main part is to develop the technology in the areas of space propulsion,robotics,space power systems, deep space communication,cryogenic fluid handling and entry,descent and handling are the long list given by the agency for developing the technology.
Charles Bolden is giving response to the interview regarding the fiscal budget 2013 at the NASA headquarters in Washington. Charles Bolden is a NASA administrator.
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Supernova the oldest record

  1. The most oldest documented is the supernova.The astronomers in Chinese documented the glue star that have been remained in the sky for 8 months.the X-ray shows the interstellar gas that will be heated to millions of degrees.The infrared data from the Spitzer Space telescope, Wide Field Infrared Survey Explorer in this image it is shown in yellow and red color. The astronomers will be able to detect the cause of explosion in Type la supernova.White dwarf will clear the cavity in a very low density surrounding the system.
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galaxies transformation

Lots of universal galaxies are the same and their own.The stunning image was taken in the Wield Field camera3 on the NASA/ESA that include the bottom of the frame. . The shining star behind the milky way.The galaxies of the other are odder in shape. The collision occurred a spiral arms in the galaxies.The galaxy is the part of Markarian catalouge the database is over 1500galaxies.The main part is that ultra violet radiation is range of sources.An exises of ultra violet radiation will active the galaxy powered by super massive black hole.

Report of Mars science Laboratory Mission status

Engineers have found out a root cause of a computer.The reset occurred before two months in NASA Mars science Laboratory. That have determined that how it is correct.Registers are the one that fix the changes in the unused data holdings.The mission team has last taken in the memory configuration system that gives you a real success. The team mission have made the software a dramatic change last week and also implemented that the updates is very successful.On Nov29 in the year 2011 the rest was made just before the launch of the craft star scanner. "Good detective work on understanding why the reset occurred has yielded a way to prevent it from occurring again," said Mars Science Laboratory Deputy Project Manager Richard Cook of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. "The successful resolution of this problem was the outcome of productive teamwork by engineers at the computer manufacturer and JPL"."Our target is in view," said JPL's Steve Collins.
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Nasa officials discuss about the fiscal year 2013 budget

A brief report will be given by the NASA Administrator Charles bolden at 2.p.m on Monday at feb13.In James E.Webb memorial is the place where the news conference takes place that is located at NASA headquarters located for about 300E st.The news will be broadcasted in the NASA breaking news on Live at the NASA television in the news agency.All the questions will be taken by the news agency representatives at the headquarters of NASA field centers.Nasa is inviting for the first time by selecting the 20 twitter followers in the budget news conference.The registration will be open for 24 hours that begins at 5 p.m on Wednesday Feb 8.Participants will be notified on friday 10th.
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Nasa finds giant hole in the milky way

Nasa finds out a black hole at the center of the milky way that looks very giant ,that may be vaporizing and devouring asteriods.Chandra has dectected the X-ray flares about once in a day from the black hole Sagittarius A*.This flares will last a few hours only with brighteness.This flares can be seen from the infrared data ESO very large telescope in chilie."People have had doubts about whether asteroids could form at all in the harsh environment near a supermassive black hole," said Kastytis Zubovas.
"As a reality check, we worked out that a few trillion asteroids should have been removed by the black hole over the 10-billion-year lifetime of the galaxy," said co-author Sera Markoff of the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands
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Don Pettit shring his ideas about the science around the world.

The Nasa and the American physical society has arranged a unique videos that can be shared by the international space station for the students, educators and science fans around the world. The astronaut don Pettit use the objects everyday to demonstrate physics to the earth through”Science of the Sphere”. The fans from the space center knew him very well about his best demonstration like the ”Zero G Coffee Cup.".This time he has added a physics challenge for the visitors. The American physical society  will share the videos of "Science off the Sphere" t o the students, educators and science fans. The APs will give response and identify the winners. .Pettit will recognize the winners.
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New astronauts selection record break.

 6,300 individuals have applied  to be the part of the next astronaut class .Nasa agency have received twice the number of applications by  the agency .It is the second  highest number..Last year they call for new  astronaut class.When they join the class they will study and live abroad in the international space station to build the orion spacecraft for the exploration that is beyond the  lower earth orbit, that will make a good continuity and partner ship with many companies they will also supply commercial  transportation facilities  and services to the ISS.          
Janet Kavandi said “The Flight Crew Operations Directorate is very happy with the large number of applicants for the astronaut program,”.“NASA feels strongly that an appropriate mix of skills, education, and background provide the office with a greater ability to successfully work a wide array of operational situations.”
The applications are accepted for two months by it will be expiring on january27,2012. Nasa has received 6,372 applications  this is one of the largest applications since 1978 butit has extended more  than 8000 applications.
Duane Ross said“Historically, we’ve received between 2,500 and 3,500 applications for each class,”
Interview will be held in the basis of two step process. Initial interview will be conducted by the  Astronaut Selection Board beginning in August and will continue through October. Then, starting in November and running through January 2013, final interviews will be held by the medical evaluvations of each applicant.
The final decisition will be expected on 2013 with the new astronauts.
Training will be held for two years for the new astronauts .After that only they be a allowed for the eligibility of the  mission assignments.

VIIRS Eastern Hemisphere image best click

NPP satellite is in the Polar orbit with an atitude of 512 miles but the new Eastern hemisphere called as Blue Marble is 7,918. Norman Kuring managed to get the big picture of six different orbits of the Suomi NPP satellite.The stellite will flew over the earth six times during eight period of times. But Norman took a picture than is combined into one image  by using six sets of data.

On January 23,2012 a new image is taken with six separate sets of orbits by the NPP satellite.Both the images are taken by the VIIRS and NPP.By using and basketball asan example we can get a new idea about the NPP satellite from the earth.Let us see an example Take a basket ball that has an diameter of 10 inches that is of about 25 centimeters and you say that it is Earth. Earth has a diameter of about 7,926 miles .Get the exact same view of the earth as the VIIRS and NPP satellite that passes abroad. Hold the basket ball at the  five eighth of an inch. FRom this we can find out the actual width of the earths surface covered byt he pass of the VIIRS satellite.

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