NASA Budget proposal worries scientists

President Obama's proposal reduction of the budget for the NASA on the planetary  science division worries the space agency ad visor Scott  Hubbard.The proposal budget of the NASA Aeronautics and space research  for the fiscal in the year 2013 will be eliminated by $300 million from the agency planetary sciences division,a 20%cut from the $1.5 billion it received from the year 2012.The budget plan was received this week that would be preserved in funding the high profile projects like the James Webb Space Telescope and also manned the space missions.Scott Hubbard  is the member of the advisory council Science committee and also the agency former "Mars czar" has been accessing the cuts of the agency programs.The professor of the aeronautics and astronautics spoke to the Times of India about what the future holds about the exploration.of the Red planet.
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